As always, excellent!! Many good suggestions.
Meeting Junkie No More
JoinedPosts by Meeting Junkie No More
The followup advice article on my site...How To Handle It When
by IsaacJS2 in"advice for ex-jehovah's witnesses: how to handle it when they try to convert you".
it's the first article right at the top of the page for anyone that wants it.
i'll probably tweak it a little more, but this one makes suggestions on what to (and not do) when they get all righteous and try to convert you back into their truth.. later on, i'll have more suggested responses that might be of help as well.. isaacj.
My granddaughter 5 mos old passed away today...
by Tatiana inshe was beautiful.
her name was aliyah.
she would have been 5 mos tomorrow.
Meeting Junkie No More
This is just the most horrible thing to have happen, Tatiana and I, too, wish to extend my condolences to you and your entire family at this very, very sad time.
I agree with a previous poster who said don't let this go uninvestigated...BUT if it turns out that it was completely unavoidable and natural, my heart also goes out to the caregiver on whose watch this occurred. It will not be something she will ever get over either...
Know that you are loved and cared for by so many of us.
JW Trivial Persuit -- The Game
by V ini am collecting good trivia questions for a jehovah's witness version of trivial persuit.
i am particularly interested in trivia that pertains to the "unknown" history and practices of the organisation.. examples: .
what image is printed on the cover of the studies in the scriptures series?who was the only member of the governing body to be disfellowshipped?what year was the "faithful prophets of old" confidently expected to return to beth sarim?
Meeting Junkie No More
Such a game would be absolutely amazing. Imagine the folks gathered at a get-together and then you pull out this edition and educate them in the space of an hour or two!
Here’s a thought – how about a match the real reason for a change in procedure – kind of like multiple choice:
Eg. implementation of donation arrangement was due to: – optional answers:
(a) greater appreciation of Scriptural admonition “you received free, give free”; or
(b) need to collect taxes on “donations” required by law - following Society’s failed amicus brief re: Swaggert(?) or whomever it was, can’t remember now;
Society morphing into 16 or 18 (can’t remember how many now) legal entities was due to:
(a) necessity of hiding assets behind multiple corporations, especially in light of upcoming and multiplying pedophile lawsuits; or
(b) freeing up the FDS to more fully concentrate on feeding the sheep rather than be concerned with ….whatever the spin they put on it was…
Anyhow, maybe you’ll have to call it Persuit instead of Pursuit due to copyright issues but your idea is GRRRRRRRRRREAT!
Study articles I would love to comment on:
by OnTheWayOut ini made this comment on stilla's thread, but i thought it could be it's own thread.. as the wts starts the "members only" study mags, it is possible that they will .
bring out newer topics that they didn't want the public mags to have.. joke or be serious (please joke more) but what study articles would you like to see?.
study articles i would love to comment on:.
Meeting Junkie No More
Gathering Together All the More So as You Behold the Day Drawing Near - New 15-minute meeting Monday Evenings!
probable first paragraph: "Brothers, in view of the recent shortening of the Sunday public talk, the faithful and discreet slave has instituted a loving new provision - the Monday evening 15 minute re-cap of the Sunday program - let us appreciate this fine instruction to meet together all the more so as you behold the day drawing near!"
?? Awake pictures
by RebelWife inin the pictures of lala land (paradise earth), why are all the people the same height?
where are the tall people?
did they get zapped because they had an elevated opinion of themselves?
Meeting Junkie No More
Great questions, RebelWife. Why didn't I ever ask those myself? LOL at the 24/7 fruit-picking! With the blinders off, I can finally see all the stereotypes - what an amazing bunch of bafflegab...
Another thought on the upcomming changes...
by changeling inwith the public talk being shortened, the "members only" wt, and the bombshell in the comming up, i was wondering:.
has the society given up hope of bringing in new ones in affluent countries (with the exception of the foreign language field)?
are they thinking that they have to hover around those already "in", and not lose them because, now that they have access to info on the internet, new ones are just not going to "buy" the message?.
Meeting Junkie No More
skeeter 1
I think you've hit the nail on the head! The churches are not empty as the WT would have had us believe all these years. This was something I noticed too, and it seemed that all denomination's parking lots were filling up, some much larger than the KHs...even increased church building projects were evident - some quite large - people were obviously attending...this issue was one of the ones that got me thinking - hearing from the platform about the spiritual wasteland 'out there' but seeing something completely different...
Anyhow, shaving 15 minutes off the public talk will not make one iota of a difference to mindnumbing, boring, repetitive public talks. It is interesting that they are attempting to curtail introductory comments that go on and on about the state of the world. Could this be because in many ways the state of the world is not as full of doom and gloom as they like to paint and does more to turn people ''off' than 'on'? The world is full of suffering and oppression but IT IS ALSO FULL OF THE OVERCOMING of suffering and oppression and that fact is becoming ever more obvious to most people. The sad part is that not much of the overcoming of suffering and oppression in a practical way is due to anything that the WT is involved in, and to a lot of the rank and file Witnesses, I sense that dichotomy is becoming ever more apparent.
It's not SHORTER meetings that are needed, it's a totally new MESSAGE. The way I see it, this religion is now out-of-sync with the revolutionary changes that have taken place throughout Society - people are so much more tolerant, so much more educated, so much more aware of what needs to be done to correct things and what they themselves can do to help the process (e.g. environmentalism) and the old message just doesn't cut it anymore.
To me, this is a pathetic response to the changing dynamics of people's lives. It is probably simply motivated by a desire to get more people in and out of City KH's where the carpets are already being worn thin by the ever-diminishing herds coming and going - sometimes 4 or 5 in one day. It is probably NOT motivated by any desire to lighten the rank and file's load of 'theocratic' activites (read meeting attendance). But it all doesn't affect me much anymore, because I am no longer a meeting junkie!
Sorry if this is a ramble.
who have you murdered? my life is over again
by coaster inis it wrong to even think about it?
how can a religion take over and have so much control.
i know truth, but only when is walks up and sticks a finger deep into my eye socket.
Meeting Junkie No More
Very sorry to read about your situation coaster and send my compassionate thoughts your way at this time...scary to think how many times this same scenario must play out throughout the JW world ...
On that topic, I was seriously wondering if there is not a way that the enforced shunning and demonizing of people who intellectually rather than morally 'see' things in a somewhat different perspective than that perpetrated by the org can be defeated on a 'human rights' basis?....I I am sure that the different wording used when announcing those who are 'no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses' must have been precipitated in part by human rights laws...any one have any input in that regard?
I really don't want to hijack this thread but can't for the life of me figure out how to start a new thread! (very computer UNSAVVY)
Thank you all for the marvelous work you do on this board! You really have no idea how much therapeutic value this board has...I also wonder if a government grant could not be obtained to start up a "JW Cult Survivor Help Network Line" similar to other 'help phonelines' as the outreach work this board is doing could be multiplied 'hundredfold' and there surely is a need, which is only going to get greater, the more people start awakening. I do believe that there are many, many awakened ones in our congregations who somehow are just 'riding the tide' but secretly wondering who their real 'brothers' and 'sisters' are.
Sorry for rambling...I have a tendency to do that!
Love to you all,
Sept. KM question box now a video on Youtube
by Wasanelder Once inyep, i put the sept. km question box on youtube.i set it to the song "clampdown" by the clash.
Meeting Junkie No More
Every so often, you guys make me laugh out loud at my computer when I read some of your gems! WT Wizard, your use of the term 'Hindsight Book" did it for me today - I will have to remember that one! So true!
German KM 09/07 Translated! Watchtower cracks down on study groups.
by drew sagan inhere is the best that i could do, but i think it gets the main points of the articles across.
i wouldn't bet my life on this translation, but i think it is good enough for our purposes.
question box.
Meeting Junkie No More
What tripe....
Reading the suggested "All Scripture is Inspired" is exactly what got me thinking and ON THE WAY OUT ...that book is so out of date and filled with inaccuracies, I am surprised they are still suggesting it be used. Still, they may be shooting themselves in the foot with this advice...AGAIN. Hopefully, it has the same effect on others as it did on me!
Newbies - Give us your stories....
by AK - Jeff inmost of old posters have hashed and re-hashed our backgrounds, history, and method of discovering the 'truth about the truth'.. your turn newbies!.
those who are lurking without the benefit of registration - it only takes a minute, and you too can give us your stories!.
those registered lurkers - what holds you back?
Meeting Junkie No More
Powerful post, Chad M. I just can't get over the stories I have been reading on here for the last 5 to 6 YEARS and what has been done to so many lives with such reverberating consequences to all concerned. Still scared silly of even posting...because family is still in....trying to extricate myself quietly and without much ado although I may just go out with a BANG eventually....
Didn't think I would ever post and with my heart racing, this is my first...
Thank you to the bravery of all those before me, and hoping to eventually give up meetings FOREVER.